Dopo il comunicato di LRP di fine della distribuzione dei marchi Team Associated e Reedy, i due super titolati marchi hanno già un nuovo distributore.
Ruddog Distribution GmbH ha annunciato che a partire dal 1° febbraio sarà il nuovo distributore ufficiale dei marchi Team Associated e Reedy per Germania, Austria, Italia, Svizzera e Repubblica Ceca.
Entrambi i marchi saranno distribuiti sul mercato utilizzando la loro rete di distribuzione già stabilita. L’obiettivo è quello di consentire un accesso più facile e più affidabile dei prodotti Team Associated e Reedy garantendo al tempo stesso un prezzo ancora più competitivo. Di seguito il comunicato ufficiale:
“The RUDDOG Distribution GmbH is happy to announced the distribution of the Team Associated and Reedy brands for Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and the Czech Republic from the 1st of February 2018 on. Both brands will be brought into the market using our established distribution network and they will become a major part of our portfolio. Our aim is to allow an easier and more dependable access to these World Championship winning brands while ensuring a competitive price tag.
Some additional information:
1. The first batch of kits, spares and accessories is already on the way to our warehouse.
2. Official start of the distribution is the 1st of February 2018.
3. Our goal is to ensure a more reliable availability of kits, parts and accessories. We will ensure high stock numbers for all of the important products so we can supply customers with goods, even in case the respective parts are out of stock in the USA warehouse.
4. Spare parts will be around 10% cheaper compared to the previous distributor, matching the price level of the international market.
5. Information for existing Team Associated and Reedy team drivers will be posted tomorrow afternoon. For all inquiries please use our new e-mail address”
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