Il pilota Yuichi Kanai, progettista Kyosho e papà della gloriosa serie “Inferno”, lascia i motori Team Orion e ritorna ai propulsori RB con i quali nel 2000 vinse il campionato del mondo.
“Welcome Home Yuichi!
It is with great pleasure that we announce the return of one of our World Championship winning drivers – the iconic Yuichi Kanai! Everyone at RB is delighted with Yuichi’s choice – having one of the true pioneers in RC ‘come home’ is truly something special, we’re proud that Yuichi chose RB after extensively testing all the engines in the market, he went for RB – the power behind his most successful years. In the last couple of weeks Yuichi tested both the BX & the BXR engines, saying ‘he loved them!’ and that it was both a personal choice to return to RB but also the engine that came out on top in his personal tests.”
Yuichi Kanai:
“Hello Everyone!
I have decided to rejoin RB engines, it is a pleasure to be back as this was the engine which I won the World title. So it is so great to be back with such memorable engine manufacturer and cooperating and building again a good relation with RB engines.
Currently, I am the only driver who is keep competing at 1/8th Off Road Buggy World Championship from first time. So based on such long period of my experience, know how, etc. I would like to help and support RB engines for coming years for their development to achieve best performing engine in the world. So, I would like to thank Eric from RB Engines, I appreciate from bottom of my heart of your kind opportunity at this time ! Thank you very much.”
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