38 anni fa è nasceva un marchio che sarebbe diventato uno dei pilastri del mondo RC: Novak. Con un annuncio inaspettato, dopo quasi quattro decenni di attività, il marchio statunitense, famoso per i propri prodotti che vanno dai regolatori fino ai motori brushless, ha dichiarato di chiudere le porte. L’annuncio ufficiale:
“Through the years, we have met countless wonderful R/C enthusiasts, lovers of the hobby, passionate racers, and incredibly talented people in our industry. Novak has been a mainstay brand of the RC community for decades, and we owe much of that to the hobbyists, media, dealers, and distributors that we have been fortunate to work with. Thank you for promoting Novak product throughout the years. We will truly miss this industry and the people.
Today marks the final day of Novak R/C.
It has been a wonderful 38 years. We have made more friends and had more fun doing what we love then we ever thought possible. Novak was driven by a good hobby experience. Our mission was to make products that made the RC life easier, bring innovative design, and manufacture in the United States of America. We manufactured our own product under our own roof for nearly 4 decades. We thank you all for being part of this awesome ride. We leave proud of our brand, we leave proud of our products, we leave proud of our staff, and we leave proud of all the friends and family we have in this wonderful hobby world.
Thanks everyone!”
Fonte: www.teamnovak.com
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