HoBao Enterprising Co Ltd. ha annunciato la nascita di HoBao Europe GmbH www.hobao-europe.com
“Dear Sirs,
HoBao Enterprising Co Ltd. is proud to announce the foundation of HoBao Europe GmbH.
The New Company is located in Siegenburg, Bavaria and will be responsible for the Distribution of HoBao’s product range in the following countries:
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark and Luxembourg, starting from the end of February 2011.
HoBao has made this important step to ensure a complete and stable supply of HoBao products in the future.
You can visit HoBao Europe at the Nuremberg Toy Fair 2011 at Hall 11.1 C-29.
If you wish to make an appointment please send us an e-mail to general@hobao-europe.com
We are looking forward to your visit!
Daimler Chu – CEO & Founder – HoBao Enterprising Co. Ltd.
Peter Scheuenpflug – General Manager – HoBao Europe GmbH”

Fonte: www.hobao-europe.com
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