Qualche giorno fa Joseph Quagraine ha pubblicato sul suo blog una lettera aperta nella quale ha manifestato non poche perplessità sui prossimi campionati del mondo che si svolgeranno in Italia. JQ ha posto domande sull’aumento della durata dell’evento, sulla mancanza di informazioni e sul fondo della pista. La lettera aperta ha scatenato ovviamente polemiche sui maggiori siti di informazione, sui forum e sui social network.
L’EFRA risponde con The first letter of the Season nella quale, relativamente al mondiale, conferma la date, la durata e le modalità di svolgimento dell’evento rassicurando inoltre che il tracciato sarà oggetto di lavori e chiuso fino al 18 settembre.
MESSINA WORLDS, l’associazione che organizza il campionato del mondo 1/8 off-road 2014, diffonde oggi il seguente comunicato attraverso il quale risponde alle domande di JQ:
“Our organization, Messina Worlds, has already organized in Messina, year 1992 the Onroad Team World Championship. Then, in the same location (year 1991), the 1/8 Onroad EFRA European “B” Championship. Last, but not least, we have also successfully taken care of the 1/8 Onroad IFMAR WC Championship in 2005. Not to mention the several Italian Championship races organized since the Eighties. Furthermore, we pay lots of attention to local R/C events, in order to promote our sport among young people.
We are very sorry about what Mr. Joseph Quagraine comments, specially because we believe that some of his statements don’t match reality at all. Here follow our considerations concerning several issues.
ACCOMODATION We have certainly proposed officially about 4/5 hotels. Would you please note that in the Giardini-Naxos/Taormina area, being one of the most famous tourist resort in the Mediterranean, there are hundreds of hotels, B&B’s and so on. Therefore all drivers/technical staff are free to book accomodation wherever they like. By the way, if our plan (as clearly mentioned by JQ) was to make profit, we would have proposed to organize Warm-Up sessions as well.
DURATION OF THE EVENT As shown in the EFRA and IFMAR websites the duration will be from the 18th to 27th September 2014, which means 2 extra days compared to the previous plan. In any case,2 extra days will avoid private practices, Team practices and Warm-Up. Also they will be useful in case of problem caused by unexpected weather conditions.
DRIVERS In reference to what JQ mentions about drivers we’d like to make reference to the past World Championships. We are sure that you are aware that in the past editions, some drivers attended Warm-ups, while some others didn’t and even some of them spent several weeks at the track But, at the end, all of them raced eventually at the WC. This means that the 2 extra days are not necessary nor compulsory.
TRACK Regarding such issue we underline the fact that JQ has never contacted us and we never declared that track modifications would have been out of question. So, we confirm that we will proceed with such modifications, according to the official rules. We also believe that organizing a Warm-up and then change 60% of the track, it is not useful to drivers nor to the manufacturers.
Finally, this Offroad WC Championship, will be an opportunity for the drivers to race equally, on a fair play ground without disadvantages for any of the them, being the track “new” for all of them.”
Fonte: www.messinaworlds.it
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